
How It Works

dock3 – The Startup Lab is the programme
to find the best co-founders with whom to realize an idea,
learn how to do startups with the help of those
who have already done it, raise the first funds
and present the startup to dozens of investors.

The programme lasts four months. It includes
mandatory participation in weekly workshops,
most of them online and some face-to-face,
in the afternoon. 

How It Works

dock3 – The Startup Lab is the programme
to find the best co-founders with whom to realize an idea,
learn how to do startups with the help of those
who have already done it, raise the first funds
and present the startup to dozens of investors.

The programme lasts four months. It includes
mandatory participation in weekly workshops,
most of them online and some face-to-face,
in the afternoon.

How It Works

dock3 – The Startup Lab is the programme
to find the best co-founders with whom to realize an idea,
learn how to do startups with the help of those
who have already done it, raise the first funds
and present the startup to dozens of investors.

The programme lasts four months. It includes
mandatory participation in weekly workshops,
most of them online and some face-to-face,
in the afternoon.

From any background, selected for their competence and motivation, ready to put themselves on the line to realize an idea

Entrepreneurs, startup founders, industry experts, accelerator managers, willing to guide you

Entrepreneurs, startup founders, industry experts, accelerator managers, willing to guide you

Venture capital funds, business angels, international accelerators ready to bet on next innovations

The best teams will present their idea in front of hundreds of people and dozens of investors and companies

The best teams will present their idea in front of hundreds of people and dozens of investors and companies

Cooming soon


Provisional Calendar

Meetings are mainly online, once a week, in the afternoon. 

Attendance at workshops and team building is mandatory. 

Four face-to-face days are planned, in different locations in Rome, including the team building which will be two days long.

The deadline for application is Thursday 29 February 2024.

Calendar 2024
20 March:Kick off e Team building

23 and 24 March: Team building on the ground – in person

28 March: Prize Presentation

5 April: Aperitif (optional)

3 April: How to pitch and pitch lab

5 April: Aperitif (optional) 

10 April: Customer Discovery

15 / 16 April: 📢Pitch session – in person/online

23 April: Lean metrics

3 May: Business model

9 / 10 May: 📢Pitch session – in person

23 / 24 May: 📢Pitch session – in person

4 June: Setting up the company: roles, shares, statute, clauses, incorporation – in person

14 June: DemoDay

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can participate?

Those who work, those who do research and those who attend or have completed a higher education course (at universities, ITS, academies, higher education schools, etc.) and want to test their entrepreneurial skills and validate a business project.

To participate, it is not necessary to have your own business idea. You can apply individually and put your expertise and motivation at the service of a team that will be assembled at the start of the course. 

What kind of ideas are allowed? 

Any kind of innovative business idea can be submitted. 

The programme is designed for new replicable and scalable products and services.

Is the programme online or face-to-face?

Most of the meetings will be online and some face-to-face.

How long does the training last and how is it organized?

Dock3 lasts 4 months and is divided into approximately 12 meetings, mainly in the afternoon, with compulsory attendance: 9 webinars and 3 pitch tests. 

For more information read the calendar section.
The workshops will be held in English.

Can I participate alone or with a team?

It is possible to apply either individually or with a team. If you already have a team, all members must apply. 

How are teams made up within the programme?

Within two weeks from the start of the programme, through team building and organized events, those selected for dock3 will be invited to form teams, which must meet the following requirements:

Numerosity: each team must be of minimum 3 maximum 5 people (from among the dock3 participants);

Multidisciplinarity: each team must have a maximum of 2 members from the same area of study.

The areas of study are classed as follows:
– Agriculture, food, forestry, fisheries and veterinary
– Arts and design
– Economics, business and administration
– Education
– Engineering, manufacturing and construction
– Health and welfare
– Humanities
– Information and Communication – Technologies
– Law
– Mathematics, statistics and physics
– Natural sciences
– Services
– Social sciences


These requirements also apply to externally formed teams. 

Can already existing teams find new co-founders?

Absolutely yes, even already established teams participate in team building activities so that they can find new members for their team. 

When will I know if I have been selected?

We are committed to reading all applications and responding to all within one week after the call closes.

We will do three selection rounds: after the Christmas holidays, early February and early March.
We will select a maximum of 10 people per round. In the third and final round we will select all the other participants so as to reach 100 total participants.
Therefore, those who apply in December will have three chances to be selected, those who apply in January will have 2, and those who apply in February will only have one chance.

What are the selection criteria?


Previous experience and skills

Order of receipt of application

Balance of participants disciplines of origin

If you do not find the answer you were looking for, write to info@dock3.it 

Join the call for talents

The call will close in:









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